iPhone Applications

iPhone App Development: The Missing Manual 
Anyone with programming experience can learn how to write an iPhone app. But if you want to build a great app, there's a lot more to it than simple coding: you also need to know how design and market your creation. This easy-to-follow guide walks you through the entire process, from sketching out your idea to promoting the finished product.Get to know the tools for developing your iPhone app Design a great app before you start coding Build a complex app with Xcode and Interface Builder Decide how to brand your app-then beta-test that brand in the real world Learn the inside scoop on how to get your app into the App Store Promote your product, track sales, and build a strong customer following...

Five-Star Apps: The best iPhone and iPad apps for work and play
It can be a concierge, camera, flashlight, game console, magazine, photo editor, panorama maker, note taker, travel planner, radio, bookstore, night-sky guide, GPS, music player, music maker, and plenty more…if only you could figure out which of the 250000 (and counting) apps to put on your iPhone or iPad or iPod touch.Author Glenn Fleishman set out to discover how to use your device to find a movie, read a book, retrieve a distant file, make a phone call, play a strategy game—to accomplish a host of useful, and sometimes completely unuseful, tasks. Glenn sifted through and road tested thousands of apps to find the nearly 200 programs that fit his criteria for interesting, entertaining, useful—and essential—five-star apps. His clear-eyed selections will surprise and charm you and help you complete tasks, have fun, be creative, and learn something.Want to read a book or PDF or follow your Twitter, RSS , or Facebook feeds? You'll find the perfect app for the job.Ready to find the best action, word, and strategy games—so good, you may never put down your iPhone? We know the ones.Yearning for Thai food in an unfamiliar neighborhood or looking to reserve a table at a local restaurant? This book points you to the perfect apps.Need to track the delivery status of a package or turn your device into a barcode reader? Start reading and start scanning.Want to watch a movie—either from the studios or of your own creation? Glenn can direct you to the perfect app. Plus essential apps that will stream music, make you more productive, keep track of files, and much, much more.
Building iPhone Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript: Making App Store
What people are saying about Building iPhone Apps w/ HTML, CSS, and JavaScript"The future of mobile development is clearly web technologies like CSS, HTML and JavaScript. Jonathan Stark shows you how to leverage your existing web development skills to build native iPhone applications using these technologies."—John Allsopp, author and founder of Web Directions"Jonathan's book is the most comprehensive documentation available for developing web applications for mobile Safari. Not just great tech coverage, this book is an easy read of purely fascinating mobile tidbits in a fun colloquial style. Must have for all PhoneGap developers."— Brian LeRoux, Nitobi SoftwareIt's a fact: if you know HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, you already have the tools you need to develop your own iPhone apps. With this book, you'll learn how to use these open source web technologies to design and build apps for the iPhone and iPod Touch on the platform of your choice-without using Objective-C or Cocoa.Device-agnostic mobile apps are the wave of the future, and this book shows you how to create one product for several platforms. You'll find guidelines for converting your product into a native iPhone app using the free PhoneGap framework. And you'll learn why releasing your product as a web app first helps you find, fix, and test bugs much faster than if you went straight to the App Store with a product built with Apple's tools.Build iPhone apps with tools you already know how to use Learn how to make an existing website look and behave like an iPhone app Add native-looking animations to your web app using jQTouch Take advantage of client-side data storage with apps that run even when the iPhone is offline Hook into advanced iPhone features — including the accelerometer, geolocation, and vibration — with JavaScript Submit your applications to the App Store with Xcode

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